Ink and varnish washing solution for ceramic metal and chrome-plated rollers (deep clean)
This washing solution is made for deep cleaning of ceramic metal (anilox) rollers from water based, alcohol based (solvent), nitrocellulose and UVinks and varnishes. Recovers the complete volume of ink transfer! Ready-to-use solution.
Mixture of acids, inhibitors, thickening agents, polishing substances. No colourants.
- Special composition for deep cleaning of ceramic metal (anilox) rollers line screen to remove inks and varnishes.
- рН of a 1% water solution: 1.7±0.1
- density: 1.8±0.1 g/cm3
Stir well before use!
Prior to application, clean/degrease the anilox roller with MONGOOSE U-1 solvent or similar agent, wipe off residual contaminations with a rag. Apply the solution on the roller surface by any convenient method, rub it up onto the surface, slightly pressing, wait for 10 minutes occasionally rubbing the surface of the roller by hand, then add some washing solution onto the melamine sponge and rub the roller again for 1-3 minutes. In special cases (resistant/old contaminations) wrap the roller in stretch film and wait for 2 hours, then apply the neutralizing agent, wait 1-2 minutes and rinse the roller well under running water, then wipe it with dry rag and let dry. Keep the agent containers with the lid tight in place/screwed on! Recommended usage schedule: no less than one time a week if a roller is operated regularly, and no less than once a month if it is operated rarely.
- For application, use protective clothing and respiratory system protection equipment, i.e. respirators, goggles for the eyes, protective gloves for the hands, such as Ultranitril 492 or Technic 401
- Use aprons for clothing protection
- Keep away from children
- Do not smell
- In case of eye contact, immediately wash the eyes under running water and contact a doctor for help
- In case of skin contact, wash the area with water and soap
Store the washing solution in tightly closed container, at ambient temperature +5 - + 25°С, away from heat, direct sunlight and food. Keep away from children!
1 year from manufacture date.
Packaging: Boxes (9 bottles, 1 kg each). 1 kg bottles; 8.l5 kg, 17 kg, 34 kg canisters.
The above given data are average values available at the time of publication of this technical information. They can not be considered as the basic specification. Product data are presented in the detailed technical specifications.
When using the product, please strictly follow the recommendations and information given in the product description, safety data sheet and chemical safety precautions.
Information given in this publication is based on our present knowledge and experience.
As many factors can influence the processing and use of the product, the provided data does not relieve our customers from the necessity to carry out their own tests.
These data do not constitute a legally binding guarantee of certain properties of the product or a guarantee of its suitability for a particular purpose. The users of our products are obliged to take their own responsibility for compliance with applicable laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.